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Showing posts from April, 2015


San Leandro Creamery Truck KANAKA ROW of San Leandro boundaries were: Pacific Street to the west, Alvarado Street to the east, Davis Street to the north, and Williams Street to the south. Kanaka Row derived its name from the nickname established Portuguese gave to Portuguese settlers from Hawaii. The other Portuguese enclave in San Leandro, Dutton Avenue, also known as Chicken Lane, is pictured c. 1890. Portuguese immigrants along Chicken Lane thriving chicken farms. Portuguese women often served their own chickens for dinner and crocheted to let down at night. Their hobby was also practical; many Portuguese women made tablecloths and other lace items to give as presents.  #KanakaRow #KanakaLane #ChickenLane #LittlePortugal Andrade standing on Dutton Ave (Chicken Lane ) 1890 Dutton Ave Area 1890 258 Dabner - Old Lamplighters House 1871 "The historical-architectural value of these properties lies in their combination as a "perio


"THE BROADMOOR" Located in the famed garden belt, San Leandro was a great center of floriculture in the 1800's. Flowers grown here in orchards and hothouses were sweet peas, camellias, gardenias, orchids as well as cherry and apricot trees.  At one time it was a $10,000,000 industry supplying flora to places and events such as the Pasadena Parade.  The Oakland firm of Breed and Bancroft had been developing a tract, north of Dutton Ave, which they named "Broadmoor".  After a struggle to get all the land north of the creek annexed into the school district they formally opened the development in 1908. Street Names Breed 1908 Broadmoor 1908  Beverly 1908  Warwick 1908  Dowling Blvd 1908  Sunnyside 1920 Cambridge 1911 SAMPLES OF HOME STYLES IN the broadmoor   TO CHECK OUT ACTIVE/SOLD LISTINGS PLEASE CLICK HERE Broadmoor Manor Homes and Surrounding Areas Most of the homes were built in the 1920's and a