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I.H. Begier reported that one cherry tree on the Rindespacher place on Estudillo Avenue yielded 1100 lbs of fruit. In 1900 agriculture was still the mainstay of the San Leandro communiity. Cherry and apricot orchards furnished both local and eastern markets. The shipments to San Francisco in July 1901 were reported at 100 tons per day.....some fruit averaged but four to the pound. Mr. Begier planted rhubarb in 1902 and a year later shipped 40,000 rhubarb plants to Jersey Island on the Sacramento River. A 40-lb box of aspargus sold for 40 cents a pound and the first box of cherries shipped to Phildephia that year brought $22 for 10 pounds.
Another crop of some importance was "horse beans" or "favas". At the end of th 1901 season M.M. Avelas reported having shipped 18 carloads of this crop to the east. Some 240,000 pounds also was reported as having been shipped to Cuba. In addition to the fruits mentionsed, currants, raspberries were raised in considerable quantites. A new worlds record was set by a local cherry picker: "Mr. Manuel Costa on Monday covered himself with glory and established a new record for cherry pickers to dreak, if possible...At 6 o'clock he picked his first cherry. At noon he took an hour for lunch and when the Angelus rang out of the spire of St. Leander's church at 7 o'clock Manuel Costa had 14 boxes of 40 lbs each to his credit. This will be hard to beat." (REPORTER 6/27/1903)
Source: A Garden Grows in Eden by Harry Shafter #joyinrealestate #sanleandrohistory #estudilloestates #storybookhomes


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